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Eurail railway map

Plan your Eurail trip with our two-page map, showing the rail routes covered by your Pass and which routes require reservations.

Please note that routes may change during the year and this map doesn’t show temporary disruptions. Visit the rail disruptions webpage for updates.


(Map last updated on Sep 3 2024.)


Don't know where to start? Use our Trip Planner to find the best Eurail Pass for you!

Traveling with a Eurail Pass

With a Eurail Pass you can travel in all countries on the Europe rail map above, now including Great Britain. Please note that most high-speed trains and all night trains need an advance reservation. These are not included in your Eurail Pass. We can help you book your seat reservations for 95% of the trains in Europe.

Travel times for 10 most popular routes

Check out the travel times between Europe's most popular cities. If you'd like to know more about a specific route, just visit our Popular Routes section.


Feel free to also play around with the Europe travel map above to see where else you could go with your Eurail Pass!


Train routes

Travel time

(by high-speed train)


Reservation cost 2023 (1st / 2nd class)

Paris to Amsterdam 3hr 20 min Mandatory €37 / €32
Paris to Barcelona 6hr 15 min Mandatory €35 / €35
Madrid to Barcelona 2hr 45 min Mandatory €23,50 / €10
Paris to Geneva 3hr 05min Mandatory From €39 / €29
Paris to Rome 11hr 15min Mandatory 

TGV: €45 / €31

Frecce: €13 / €13

Rome to Venice 3hr 05min Mandatory €13 / €13
Amsterdam to Berlin 6hr 20min Optional €5,90 / €4.90
Berlin to Prague 4hr 40min Optional €5,90 / €4.90
Prague to Vienna 4hr 25min Optional €3 / €3
Vienna to Budapest 2hr 50min Optional €3 / €3

European itinerary inspiration

The Eurail railway map is a great resource for planning the perfect itinerary. Check out some examples of spectacular European itineraries you can experience with a Eurail Pass.

Follow one or more of our itineraries, or use parts of them to create your own. Planning your trip is half the fun, and with these itineraries, you get to see the very best of Europe!

Choose the right Pass

Not sure which Eurail Pass meets your travel desires?

Not to worry! Our Trip Planner will help you find the perfect Pass for your trip!